Since 1983, Professional Bartending School had trained a multitude of students to learn bartending. The cost of classes for behind the bar training is affordable with the ability to offer a payment plan for students who need financial aid. Please call the school for updated pricing and class schedule. (760) 471-5500.
Whether you want to switch careers or you are sampling trying to learn about bartending for entertainment sake, bartending can be profitable, intense, and quite tasking. Although bartending looks like a fun job but experts and bartenders say that the job is challenging. Bartending schools all over the country have also boasted that their lessons are the most important and beneficial for any bartender that wants to succeed behind the bar.
Diploma and licensing requirements for bartenders vary across states; therefore, it is difficult to say whether getting a certificate from a bartending program can help you secure a bartending job anywhere. Some establishments do not even bother about those; all they use as a prerequisite for hiring bartenders is experience. Some bar managers do not consider fresh graduates from bartending schools when hiring. They employ only people who have worked as bartenders or bar assistants elsewhere. In these places, a diploma may not be important, but if you have experience alongside the certificate, you stand a good chance of getting employed.
Working as a bartender goes beyond having the knowledge of ingredients and how to blend them into a drink. You have to be able to pour the drinks fast and be professional at it. These skills are not taught in a one-time class; they are acquired over time after many years of experience on the job. Recent graduates from bartending schools are mostly given the opportunity to serve right away in small bars or bigger bars where they can work as assistant bartenders.
Having a background from an accredited bartending school is great, and it is a sure way to learn all the basics of bartending. Getting your first job can also be influenced by a bartending school if it is a well-known school with a successful alumni network. You just have to ensure that the course you are taking is not a crash course. You must be able to master every technique therein and upon the completion of the course, be able to put into practice everything you were taught.
The recommended programs for people who are interested and serious about enrolling in a bartending school should last for 40 hours or more. The board of vocational education in most states only certify courses that last for 40 hours or more. You want to make sure your proposed course lasts for a minimum of 40 hours. The type of bartending schools that you should be careful of are the ones that advertise courses that run for less than 40 hours and also promise guaranteed jobs upon completion of the courses. These sound too enticing, and once something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do not ever proceed to pay to a bartending school that promises you a job after taking their course. In fact, you should report them to the authorities because they are more than likely going to scam you.
Apart from teaching you how to make drinks, a bartending certification or diploma help polish you to get a job. From resume writing to interview training, they prepare you for the outside world by furnishing you with everything you need to present yourself as an accomplished bartending school graduate. In addition to your certificate, you also have confidence and the impression of someone who knows what they are doing.
A bartending school will also teach you how to apply for bartending jobs strategically. Often, establishments will hire based on their needs and not necessarily because you have received training.
Bartending school is really short, and you can become a certified bartender in just 40 hours. Not many professions take that long to become certified in the, a beauty school, for instance, requires about 1600 hours and a state board exam that you must pass. If you are lucky to get subsidized rates on tuition, you might get to spend less to take bartending courses.
Many people enrolling in bartending schools just need something they can do on the side to earn additional income, and bartending seems to be something that they find exciting, and they feel they can do. With professional hands-on training from a reputable bartending school, these people can easily get engaged at top establishments in their state.
Apart from training and experience that bartenders should have on their resume, the personality of the bartender is another important factor. Take, for instance, a bartender who knows absolutely nothing about sports applying to work in a sports bar is probably not a good idea. There is a high chance that such a person will fail at the job. They may be good at the business of bartending, but if the bulk of their patrons are going to be sports lovers, how can such person strike engaging conversations with them and make them feel welcome.
The bartending atmosphere, in general, is a pretty stiff and competitive one and with the influx of people trying to land a bartending job, the competition is rife. A lot of people are competing for the few jobs available. Because of this, if you are going to secure a bartending job, you have to set yourself apart from the multitude. You must be different.
Although attending bartending school is not the singular factor that a bar considers when hiring, the certificate can, however, be the singular factor that differentiates you from others. It is the little “extra something” that gives you an edge over the competition. Many people only need the training they received in a bartending school to have that edge over others.
Getting trained to become a bartender is quite a tricky subject and while over the years, a lot of emphases has been on having bartending experience, these days bartending schools are also making a point that they do not exist for no reason and can help you attain the career height that you desire in the hospitality industry.