Since 1983, Professional Bartending School had trained a multitude of students to learn bartending. The cost of classes for behind the bar training is affordable with the ability to offer a payment plan for students who need financial aid. Please call the school for updated pricing and class schedule. (760) 471-5500.
People who want become career bartenders attend bartending school to learn the best ways to create, mix, and serve drinks to customers in a bar. Most of the accredited bartending schools offer bartending courses that take typically forty hours. These classes can be taken in ten classes of four hours each. Taking courses at a bartending school gives the student the opportunity to learn about the job in a bar setting and have a feel of the job even before getting qualified.
Every student looking to enroll in a bartending school for either a mixology course or bartending course will first consider the cost. Courses at a bartending school also do not take much time like other certificate programs. You only need between one to five weeks to complete a bartending course. As a result of this, the tuition at bartending schools is a lot lower than that of other certification schools.
For bartending schools that offer courses that last forty hours, they cost between $200 and $600. This money paid covers tuition, registration, books, and materials. Some online bartending classes also cost between $80 and $150. These costs may cover materials, bartending supplies, and videos, and they may not. You have to be careful of enrolling for online bartending courses because most of them are not duly accredited and licensed by the state. There is also the belief that nobody can truly learn the nitty-gritty of bartending and the skills involved through watching videos and reading recipe books.
The most recommended bartending schools should have a teacher on the ground to demonstrate the needed skills and correct errors made by students. Online bartending courses are only ideal for people who are working already as barbacks or waiters and need a guide to practice on their own.
The major advantage of enrolling and paying tuition at a bartending school is that the total cost allows students to attend classes for as long as the students need to perfect their skills and training. This is also evidenced in the final test/exam that students are required to write and pass.
Many bartending schools also offer their students flexible schedules, which makes them suitable for people who have other jobs or for college students. For instance, a person who has a job as a waiter in the evenings can attend morning classes for their bartending course. This flexibility in scheduling and paying for the program makes it a lot less stressful to handle.
Different people have varying opinions on whether people should enroll in bartending schools or not. Many bartenders and bar managers think a professional bartending certificate from an accredited bartending school is valuable and goes to prove that people with these certificates are more prepared than those who do not have. Some others also think a bartending school is a waste of time because bartending is best learned by working in a real bar.
The real truth is somewhere in between these differing opinions. Of course, a bartending school exposes a person to the rudiments of the bartending process in a more organized and systematic matter. Bartending techniques and recipes are taught in details, and a certification exam is taken at the end of the learning process. This can be a great competing edge when applying with other applicants that did not attend bartending school.
In the same vein, those who are against bartending school have their point because often, most establishments do not hire bartenders. They usually pick someone who has worked their way up the ranks from barbacks or waitress to assistant bartenders and then to the head bartender. Bartending also requires handling a real bar to become perfect at the job. But wouldn't you rather have a professional certificate and work your way up while having one. It makes things easier for you.
Your personal goals should determine whether you will enroll in a bartending school or not. If you just want to make a successful career out of bartending and work in the large establishments, a bartending school may be the best start for you. Establishments will take you more seriously; you can take on a job as a waiter if you like. Your certificate will fast-track your employment as a bartender or getting promoted to a bartender.
What are the things you will learn in a bartending school?
There are different types of bartending schools, and what you will learn depends on the one you decide to enroll in. Online bartending schools are not expensive, and you can take your lessons at any time, but the best you can get will only give you the basic knowledge of bartending. Bartending is an intensively hands-on process that requires physical training, practicing, and more training.
Bartending classes can last from a few weeks to more than five weeks, and the longer the course duration, the more advanced your knowledge. The classes that run for a few weeks are more elementary and usually cover lessons on bartending tools and their uses, how to make drinks and their recipes, handling a POS register and the various liquors that you should have in a bar.
The more advanced courses, on the other hand, cover the elementary topics as well as other topics like table service, bartending tricks, more advanced recipes, and drinks, etc. these advanced courses may require visiting a proper bar to work behind a real bartender to see how things are done.
The most important thing to know about attending a bartending school is that physical classes are the best. Online courses are not recommended for serious bartenders, especially if they are cheap. Besides the fact that they may not be accredited or licensed by the state, they usually offer lessons that you can easily find on the internet for free. If you are also paying a lot of money for a physical bartending course, make sure you run your background checks to see if the school is properly accredited in your state.